VALLIAPPA SOFTWARE CRM DIVISION Valliappa Software Tech Park has set up a separate division exclusively to handle customer relationship management (CRM). This division will be offering world class customer relationship solutions. This support service will work 24x7 (24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year) to give the customer total support when he or she wants and how he or she wants. This we believe is the essence of CRM support as the web works 24x7, the support should be the same. India is the largest producer of technical graduates and technically skilled people. Bangalore is the scientific capital of India and Silicon Valley of Asia has more than 200 software companies. With one of the largest numbers of software engineers/square kilometre in Asia. We have an added advantage of having educational institutions with 3000 students studying. MISSION STATEMENT We offer top quality E-solutions for organisations, by offering continuous support in areas of text-support, problem solving and any other information on products and services. We will do this by giving a cost effective internet-enabled web solution. We look at our clients as strategic partners in progress. Who are our Customers? Our customers are organisations with a big customer base or who expect to get an enormous number of queries, enquiries and who get numerous emails from customers and potential customers. They are companies who would like to concentrate on their core activity and are looking at working with strategic partners, to work as an arm of their own organisation. What are the problems our potential clients are facing? Giving the prompt and attentive service support for customer/consumers who come in with a problem or a query and can be an ordeal. Sorting out numerous emails could be cumbersome. Voice calls could prove expensive. For a customer, voice mails are impersonal. Handling time consuming or routine jobs are a burden on the staff and infrastructure. What is the solution we offer? We offer a dynamic E-support solution available 24x7. This is an internet enabled, integrated solution. The internet is a boon for offering customer service. Over the web, we can offer a literal customer relationship portal, exclusive for the company. This leaves organisations to concentrate on their area of core competence. What are the types of solutions, we offer? Vcall is the Vsoft support range of services. These are as listed below:
Live Customer Support
Representative (CSR) (Voice and Video)
A potential customer is browsing the web and has a query. This query is converted into a live text based chat session by our CSR's. Here his queries are answered real-time. This is an interactive chat. A prompt and inexpensive CR support. The gist of the whole chat can be forwarded to concerned departments for their benefit. A copy could also be emailed to the customer.
Companies receive hundred's and thousand's of mails everyday. We have a special dedicated team to handle the mails. We will provide quality trained professionals trained with customer relationship skills and polished with enterprise specific product knowledge. With the ever-increasing viruses, those that are attached with emails crash systems worldwide. This is a big security hassle. Our CRM division will be equipped with state of the art virus checks, thereby shielding our clients from the venom of these viruses. Spam mail is also a huge problem faced by today's organisations. These will alleviate the hassle of handling large mails for companies and leave them with the core objective of handling their business.
Telephone calls (1-800) will be routed to our customer support staff, who will be voice-trained extensively to address the customers queries. The caller will not know where the call is being answered from. India is ideally suited as it has a 400 year commonwealth heritage of English language.
Here, we offer our clients an added facility of keeping track of the contacts i.e. where our clients can focus on the satisfied customer and try increasing the volume of customers. Alternatively, they can focus on dissatisfied customers by focussing on customers that are dissatisfied and how these issues can be converted to an opportunity from a problem. In short, we will try to improve the communication between the contacts of the clients and the clients. Overall, we will help companies manage their contacts.
Large companies have a global reach and logistically find it mind boggling to address the entire gambit of sales force. We provide a one-stop support service with products that attract customers and all issues relating to sales are addressed and supported. An efficient tracking system is just not enough to handle the supply chain. Its like having a heart without brains. People are needed to handle the entire gambit of the supply chain.
Any form of back office support Our customer service representative will be trained rigorously to effectively address the following issues; respond quickly, respond with details and to build a relationship with a customer. We will have an area specific supervisor/leader to whom the CSR can look up in case of any doubt. The USP for our CRM support services is that we offer a real time support solutions, web based, 24x7. The web is perceived to be very impersonal, our concept and idea to build a relationship between our CSR's and we believe that our call centre will bring in the human touch, by our CSR's establishing a personal relationship with customers. The idea of having an integrated call centre is to offer clients total solutions in CRM issues. We will offer our clients our value added service wherein we will be able to provide insights to trends analysis, forecasts, with regard to customer satisfaction, customer complaints and also concentrate on issues which are highly critical from customers stand point. These points can be effectively dealt with as we also have a separate CRM centre (Vsoft Support). Stemming from the fact that we offer offshore-based support from India, we have the cost competitive advantage. In essence, we offer total customer relationship management solutions by offering an integrated call centre and internet enabled back office solution. |
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